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Barbie R.

I went to visit my cousin Barbie 2 years ago on the 4th of July weekend in Sonoma County. I had just starting my online coaching business and she knew how much I had struggled with weight all my life, yet conquered it once and for all. She wanted my help getting there too. I am proud to announce that 2 years later she is still fighting the good fight! Still under my wing, she continues to work hard towards her goals. Knowing how often my family enjoys good family meals and get togethers out there, I know she had it tough. But yet she continues to persevere. . My cousin once thought that it was too late in the game and perhaps too overweight to even bother. But she proved herself wrong, and look at her now! So DAMN PROUD OF YOU CUZ. To the rest of your journey. #LetisRECONSTRUCTED . It is NOT too late for you either! If you need guidance on how to start and the tools on how to succeed, hit me up! I got your back. Don't waste another day.

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