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Devon D.

Happy one year fitversary to my trainee @hustlebunz! 🎉💪🏼 I knew from the day I met her on Skype, that she meant business. Through ups and downs, she kept her eye on the BIG PICTURE: her future. . "You know ,I was doing a lot of thinking today- I looked at my timehop on my way to the 12k race I completed today. last year, I had just completed my first weekend of your workouts. remembering that exhaustion and how sore I was.... still so real, even though today I ran my ass up 1000 ft of elevation and for 7.6 miles. I just honestly feel so FREE. I'm not limited by physical activities (anything I want to do, I seriously know I can with some hard work, i.e. that half marathon I'm doing in September!), I'm not limited by any clothes I want to wear (I'm smaller so shopping is easier but I FEEL better in everything I wear), I'm not limited by food AT ALL (cuz you know I have fully embraced the macros lifestyle!). anything I want, I can have. thanks for showing me the light, Leti 😘 one year of many more to come!!!" Devon, one of my most favorite of #LetisReconstructed. At first my client, now my homie 😎 . Interested in coaching? Hit me up!

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